Dwarf Fescue (Dwerg Swenkgras)

Dwarf Fescue (Dwerg Swenkgras)

Dwarf Fescue (Dwerg Swenkgras) is a tufted grass suited to shady areas. Ideal for lawns, parks, sports field, golf courses and cover crop. Characteristics: Dark green color, Not a tall growing grass, Mow to height of 5cm+ for best results, A tufted grass suited to...
Kikuyu (Kikoejoe)

Kikuyu (Kikoejoe)

Characteristics: Deep root system, Aggressive grower during the summer and dormant in the winter, Likes heavy fertile soils rich in humus.
Kentucky Blue Grass (Kentucky Blougras)

Kentucky Blue Grass (Kentucky Blougras)

Characteristics: A green tufted grass with underground runners. Prefers fertile soil with full sun or shade. Insufficient water and fertiliser causes it to lack vigour in the summer.
Creeping Bent (Kruipende Bentgras)

Creeping Bent (Kruipende Bentgras)

Characteristics: New generation Bent varieties, called Super Bents, Dark green colour, With a fine texture upright growing habit, Tolerant to drought and heat with good disease resistance, Requires less nitrogen.
Cynodon Dactylon – Specialised (Kweekgras)

Cynodon Dactylon – Common (Kweekgras)

Characteristics: Fine in texture, spreads with runners. Very well adapted, frosts affect it but do not kill it. Does well on sandy soils, drought tolerant.
Creeping Red Fescue (Kruipende Rooiswenkgras)

Creeping Red Fescue (Kruipende Rooiswenkgras)

Characteristics: Fine in texture, Cold tolerance with underground runners, Does not form a tuft, Can take low pH soils, Grows in sun and shade, Requires low water application.
Chewings Fescue

Chewings Fescue

Characteristics: Fine texture, Dark green with a thick growing habit, Prefers shady conditions, Cut less frequently.