Summer Pasture Seeds

Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate grazing land or establish new pastures, our comprehensive range of summer pastures provides the perfect foundation for a complete summer fodder flow.

mengselmengselsmooiriviersmutsvingerSummer Pastures

Summer Forage Mixtures

Agricol’s summer forage mixtures Agricol’s summer forage mixtures offer easier seed handling, coated product, more...

Annual Summer Legumesdolichos boontjiePastureSummer Pastures

Dolichos Bean (Dolichos Boon)

Characteristics: An annual aggressive summer legume grown for grazing, hay and silage production. Very good...

Annual Summer LegumesPastureSonhennopSummer Pastures

Sunhemp (Sonhennop)

Characteristics: An annual summer legume grown mainly for green manuring but can also be grazed....

BahiagraspaspalumPasturePerennial Summer GrassesSummer Pastures

Bahia Grass (Paspalum)

Characteristics: This is a perennial dry land grass that will do well in wet vlei...

Forage CropsOumansoutbosPasturesoutbosSummer Pastures

Saltbush (Oumansoutbos)

Characteristics: Saltbush is an important strategic drought resistant crop. Grows vegetatively during the summer with...

Annual Summer GrassesPastureSummer Pasturestef


Teff is an annual grass used for grazing and hay. The first cuttings can be...

PasturePerennial Summer GrassesSmutsvingergrasSummer Pastures

Smutsfinger (Smutsvingergras)

Characteristics: A perennial summer growing grass which is palatable as grazing and makes good hay...

akkerboneakkerboonAnnual Summer LegumesPastureSummer Pastures

Cowpeas (Akkerbone)

General Information: Cowpeas have an indefinite growth habit. Early plantings thus yield more vegetative growth...

armmanslusernPasturePerennial Summer Growing LegumesSummer Pastures

Lespedeza (Armmanslusern)

Characteristics: A warm season legume for grazing and hay production. No bloat. Will do on...

OulandsgrasPasturePerennial Summer GrassesSummer Pastures

Weeping Lovegrass (Oulandsgras)

Characteristics: A perennial summer growing grass, produces good quality hay. Cut before it gets too...

Annual Summer GrassesbabalaPastureSummer Pastures

Pearl Millet (Babala)


  • Suitable for grazing and cutting 8 weeks after planted.
  • No Bloat.
kroonwiekePasturePerennial Summer Growing LegumesSummer Pastures

Crown Vetch (Kroonwieke)

Characteristics: A hardy perennial legume for grazing or hay production. Frost resistant. Gives satisfactory results...

Annual Summer GrassesPastureSummer Pasturesvoersorghum

Forage Sorghum (Voersorghum)

View our latest Forage Sorghum pamphlet: ENGLISH HUNNIGREEN: (Sweet sorghum × Sweet sorghum) Photo periodic...

PasturePerennial Summer Grassesrhode grasSummer Pastures


Characteristics: Palatable, fast establishing perennial summer grass. Does not like heavy grazing and is usually...


Cultivar: SA Brown

Teff is an annual grass used for grazing and hay. The first cuttings can be done 65-75 days after establishment. Tef should not grow too high as the height can influence its standing ability, cut teff prior to first flowering.

Summer Forage Mixtures

Mixtures: Mooirivier, Waterberg, Bosveld, Kalahari

Our variety of coated summer forage mixtures offer easier seed handling, and is suited for most soil types.

Bahia Grass


Bahia grass is a perennial dry land grass that will do well in wet vlei areas and soils which are not all that fertile. It is cold sensitive, does not like sandy soils or dry, hot climates.

Forage Sorghum


Our Forage Sorghum is an excellent standing hay in the winter, and offers good grazing during summer. Hunnigreen is highly palatable and has a high sugar content and good regrowth ability. 

Weeping Lovegrass


Weeping Lovegrass is a perennial summer growing grass that produces good quality hay. Good spring and early summer grazing DM production varies between 6 and 14 tons/ha. Easy to establish, does not foggage well. Weeping Lovegrass’ carrying capacity is between 1.5 to 4 MLU during the summer and moisture conditions.