

  • Palatable, fast establishing perennial summer grass.
  • Does not like heavy grazing and is usually grown as a hay crop or mixed with other grass species such as Smutsfinger.
  • Used to control eelworm in tobacco and pineapple rotation and erosion control.
  • Carrying capacity is 1-2 MLU/ha with a DM production of 7-15 tons per ha.



Crop/Specie: Rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana)

Cultivars: Katambora

Seeding: Drilled 2-5kg/ha, Broadcast 6-8kg/ha

Rainfall (mm/year): 650+ or irrigation

Suited Regions: Warm to sub tropical summer rainfall areas

Planting Months: Oct - Feb

Soil: Very adaptable to most soil types

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