Agricol Seeds

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Annual Summer GrassesbabalaPastureSummer Pastures

Pearl Millet (Babala)


  • Suitable for grazing and cutting 8 weeks after planted.
  • No Bloat.
Annual Summer GrassesPastureSummer Pasturesvoersorghum

Forage Sorghum (Voersorghum)

View our latest Forage Sorghum pamphlet: ENGLISH HUNNIGREEN: (Sweet sorghum × Sweet sorghum) Photo periodic...

Annual Summer GrassesPastureSummer Pasturestef


Teff is an annual grass used for grazing and hay. The first cuttings can be...

Annual Summer LegumesPastureSonhennopSummer Pastures

Sunhemp (Sonhennop)

Characteristics: An annual summer legume grown mainly for green manuring but can also be grazed....

Annual Summer Legumesdolichos boontjiePastureSummer Pastures

Dolichos Bean (Dolichos Boon)

Characteristics: An annual aggressive summer legume grown for grazing, hay and silage production. Very good...

akkerboneakkerboonAnnual Summer LegumesPastureSummer Pastures

Cowpeas (Akkerbone)

General Information: Cowpeas have an indefinite growth habit. Early plantings thus yield more vegetative growth...

Annual Temperate CloversAnnual Temperate CloversAssegaaiklawerklawerPastureWinter Pastures

Arrowleaf Clover (Assegaaiklawer)

Characteristics: A good legume to use as green manure for soil improvement. Can be planted...

Annual Temperate CloversAnnual Temperate CloversPasturepersiese klawerWinter Pastures

Persian Clover (Persiese Klawer)

Characteristics: A good legume for grazing as a mixture with annual ryegrass for dairy cows,...

Annual Temperate GrassesAnnual Temperate GrassesItaliaanseItaliaanse RaaigrasPastureraaigrasWinter Pastures

Italian Ryegrass (Italiaanse Raaigras)

Diploid Italian ryegrass: Asset: Late heading date, Exceptional production in the winter spring and summer,...

Annual Temperate GrassesAnnual Temperate GrassesPastureraaigrasWinter Pastures

Westerworld Ryegrass

Tetraploid – Westerworld ryegrass Striker: Early heading date, Fast to establish, Excellent to use in...

Forage CropsOumansoutbosPasturesoutbosSummer Pastures

Saltbush (Oumansoutbos)

Characteristics: Saltbush is an important strategic drought resistant crop. Grows vegetatively during the summer with...

Forage CropsForage CropsPasturevoerVoerbeetWinter Pastures

Fodder Beet (Voerbeet)

Characteristics: Fodder beet allows farmers to produce 20 – 30 tonnes DM/ha of high quality...

Agronomy crops - Summer RainfallsonneblomSunflower

Sunflower – Clearfield® Plus

Our Clearfield® Plus Sunflower Hybrids The Clearfield® Production System for sunflower has provided growers with...

Forage CropsForage Cropsjap radysJapenese RadysPastureWinter Pastures

Jap Radish (Japenese Radys)

Characteristics: It is planted because of the thickened roots The cultivar Nooitgedacht has a long...

PasturePerennial Summer GrassesSmutsvingergrasSummer Pastures

Smutsfinger (Smutsvingergras)

Characteristics: A perennial summer growing grass which is palatable as grazing and makes good hay...

PasturePerennial Summer Grassesrhode grasSummer Pastures


Characteristics: Palatable, fast establishing perennial summer grass. Does not like heavy grazing and is usually...

OulandsgrasPasturePerennial Summer GrassesSummer Pastures

Weeping Lovegrass (Oulandsgras)

Characteristics: A perennial summer growing grass, produces good quality hay. Cut before it gets too...

BahiagraspaspalumPasturePerennial Summer GrassesSummer Pastures

Bahia Grass (Paspalum)

Characteristics: This is a perennial dry land grass that will do well in wet vlei...

lusernPasturePerennial Summer Growing LegumesPerennial Summer Growing LegumesWinter Pastures

Lucerne (Lusern)

Lucerne is a Perennial Summer Legume which is well adjusted to perform in almost all...

armmanslusernPasturePerennial Summer Growing LegumesSummer Pastures

Lespedeza (Armmanslusern)

Characteristics: A warm season legume for grazing and hay production. No bloat. Will do on...

kroonwiekePasturePerennial Summer Growing LegumesSummer Pastures

Crown Vetch (Kroonwieke)

Characteristics: A hardy perennial legume for grazing or hay production. Frost resistant. Gives satisfactory results...

meerjarige raaigrasPasturePerennial Temperate GrassesPerennial Temperate GrassesWinter Pastures

Perennial Ryegrass (Meerjarige Raaigras)

Diploid Three60: Late heading date, High performance ryegrass with a high total production, High performing...

PasturePerennial Temperate GrassesPerennial Temperate GrassesReddingsgrasWinter Pastures

Prairie Grass (Reddingsgras)

Characteristics: Prairie grass (Bromus) has good drought tolerance. Prairie grass also have good winter production...

KanariegrasPasturePerennial Temperate GrassesPerennial Temperate GrassesWinter Pastures

Phalaris (Kanariegras)

Characteristics: Phalaris is a deep – rooted perennial tufted grass. Very well adapted to winter...

langswenkgrasPasturePerennial Temperate GrassesPerennial Temperate GrassesWinter Pastures

Tall Fescue (Langswenkgras)

Please view the fescue pamphlet below: Click here for Afrikaans Click here for English Characteristics: Tall...

kropaargrasPasturePerennial Temperate GrassesPerennial Temperate GrassesWinter Pastures

Cocksfoot (Kropaargras)

Characteristics: Cocksfood is a very persistent perennial grass. It grows relatively slow in the sowing...

Forage CropssigoreiWinter Pastures

Chicory (Sigorei)

Characteristics: Deep tap rooted herb, High summer yield and quality, Choice is a perennial chicory...

aarbei klawerPasturePerennial Temperate LegumesPerennial Temperate LegumesWinter Pastures

Strawberry Clover (Aarbeiklawer)


  • Deep rooted, good drought tolerance.
  • Good spring and summer production.
PasturePerennial Temperate LegumesPerennial Temperate Legumesrooi klawerWinter Pastures

Red Clover (Rooiklawer)

Relish/Oregon red: Upright growing Good persistence under grazing Strong early season growth and summer. High...

Forage CropsPlantaanWinter Pastures

Plantain (Plantaan)

Characteristics: Improved supply of some trace elements to animals (Cu, Zn, Se), Positive impact on...

PasturePerennial Temperate LegumesPerennial Temperate LegumesWinter Pastureswit klawer

White Clover (Witklawer)

Agrimatt: High stolon density Excellent persistence Excellent autumn yields Haifa: Small to medium-leaved white clover...

BoerenkoolForage CropskoolWinter Pastures

Kale (Boerenkool)

Characteristics: Sovereign kale is a medium-tall, late-flowering kale. It’s a better option for mid winter/early spring...

ondergrondse klawerPastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Subterranean Clovers (Ondergrondse Klawer)

Characteristics: Subterranean clovers are well adapted to grazing. Set stocking is normally advised. As a...

Pasturepienk serradellaWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Pink Serradella (Pienk Serradella)

Characteristics: Serradella is a prostrate to semi-erect growing annual legume plant, It has a deep,...

Forage CropsraapWinter Pastures

Turnip (Raap)

Characteristics: Rival: Early maturing (14 weeks), summer turnip, Excellent leaf production and leaf holding Tankard...

mengselmengselsmooiriviersmutsvingerSummer Pastures

Summer Forage Mixtures

Agricol’s summer forage mixtures Agricol’s summer forage mixtures offer easier seed handling, coated product, more...

Annual Temperate Cloversbalansa klawerBalansaklawerPastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Balansa Clover (Balansaklawer)

Characteristics: Combines well with medics and subterranean clover mixtures, Although there is not much growth...

Forage CropsvoerVoerraapWinter Pastures

Forage Rape (Voerraap)

Characteristics: Spitfire is a modern rape created by crossing rape with kale. It has high...

Annual Temperate Cloversberseem klawerBerseemklawerPastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Berseem Clover (Berseemklawer)

Characteristics: Egyptian clover is an annual temperate clover, which needs establishing each year, It has...

crimson klawerInkarnaatklawerPastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Crimson Clover (Inkarnaatklawer)

Characteristics: An annual clover used for grazing and hay production as well as green manuring....

Forage CropsradysWinter Pastures

Tiller Radish (Ripper Radys)

Characteristics: Excellent cover crop, Nitrogen Mining & Nutrient Scavenging, GroundHog radish produces more root mass...

Pastureroos klawerWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Rose Clover (Roosklawer)

Characteristics: Rose clover is an annual clover, which can re-establish itself. Set stocking is recommended,...

Boyds klawerPastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Boyds Clover (Boyds Klawer)

Characteristics: Boyds clover is an annual clover which can re-establish itself, Good production is always...

Agronomy crops - Summer Rainfallbitter graansorgumgraansorgumsoet graansorgum

Grain Sorghum

Bitter grain sorghum Avenger: Full season hybrid (66-80 days to flower), Bronze grain colour, Tan...

Pastureweiding wiekeWeiwiekeWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Grazing Vetch (Weiwieke)

Characteristics: Grazing vetch is a fine stemmed annual legume with a creeping/runner growth habit, Produces...

PastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes


Characteristics: Medics are well adapted to grazing, Set stocking is normally advised, As a result...

Pasturepers wiekeWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Purple Vetch (Perswieke)

Characteristics: Purple vetch is a fine stemmed annual legume with an upright growth habit, Produces...

PastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes


Characteristics: Very good quality forage in terms of dry matter digestibility, metabolisable energy and crude...

geel serradellaPastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Yellow Serradella (Geel Serradella)

Characteristics: Serradella is a prostrate to semi-erect growing annual legume plant. It has a deep,...

Pasturevoer ertjiesVoererteWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Forage Peas (Voererte)

Characteristics: Forage peas are palatable and are grown for hay and silage, Although it can...

bitter lupienePastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Bitter Lupins (Bitter Lupiene)

Characteristics: Biological weed control can be done during the vegetative growing period due to high...

Agronomy crops - Summer RainfallsojaboneSoybeans

Soybeans (Don Mario)

Don Mario Soybeans in South Africa Agricol has a trade agreement with the Argentine soybean...

boonfaba boontjiePastureWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Faba Bean (Faba Boon)

Characteristics: It is a nitrogen-fixing crop, This makes it an important rotational crop, Faba beans...

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Winter RainfallCanolaCanolakanola

Canola (Kanola)

Characteristics: Canola is of great importance due to the high oil content of the seed,...

Pasturesoet wiekeWinter PasturesWinter Rainfall Annual LegumesWinter Rainfall Annual Legumes

Sweet Vetch (Soetwieke)

Characteristics: Sweet vetch is a fine stemmed annual legume with an upright growth habit. Produces...

Cover Cropsdekgewas

Cover Crops

What are the benefits of cover crops? The benefits of using cover crop mixtures are...

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Winter RainfallForage Cereal CropsForage Cereal Cropsgarsvoergars

Barley (Voergars)

Characteristics: Commonly known as 6 row barley Exclusive variety for grazing and silage Easily differentiated...

Chewings langswenkgrasLawn and turf grassesLawn and turf grasses

Chewings Fescue

Characteristics: Fine texture, Dark green with a thick growing habit, Prefers shady conditions, Cut less...

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Winter RainfallForage Cereal CropsForage Cereal CropshawerWinter CerealsWinter Pastures

Oats (Hawer)

Characteristics: Forage cereal usually give good green bite in early winter and spring. Very palatable....

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Winter RainfallForage Cereal CropsForage Cereal CropsrogWinter CerealsWinter Pastures

Rye – Spring (Rog)

Characteristics: These cultivars are referred to as SPRING types in that they need increase in...

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Winter RainfallForage Cereal CropsForage Cereal CropsstoelrogWinter CerealsWinter Pastures

Rye Stooling (Winter) (Stoelrog)

Characteristics: These cultivars are referred to as WINTER types as they need a long cold...

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Winter RainfallForage Cereal CropsForage Cereal CropskorogWinter CerealsWinter Pastures

Triticale (Korog)

Characteristics: Wintergreen feed which offers quality from May to Oct. It remains palatable until end...

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Summer Rainfallgeel mieliebastersHybrid MaizeHybrid Maizemielieswit mieliebasters

Yellow and White Maize Hybrids

AG97Y02BR the newest addition to the Agricol yellow maize range. This top-performing maize hybrid known...

Agronomy crops - Winter RainfallKoring

Wheat (Koring)

In South Africa, Agricol is the exclusive distributor for GDM’s Don Mario’s newly introduced wheat...

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Summer RainfallHybrid SunflowersonneblommeSunflower

Sunflower – Conventional

This cultivar is well known for its excellent yield stability at all yield potentials. It...

Agronomy cropsAgronomy crops - Winter RainfallWhite Mustardwit mostert

White Mustard (Wit Mostert)

Characteristics: Has biofumigation effect on soils and suppresses nematodes and soilborne pathogens, Cut before flowering...

KikoejoeLawn and turf grassesLawn and turf grasses

Kikuyu (Kikoejoe)

Characteristics: Deep root system, Aggressive grower during the summer and dormant in the winter, Likes...

dwerg langswenkgrasDwerg SwenkgrasLawn and turf grassesLawn and turf grasses

Dwarf Fescue (Dwerg Swenkgras)

Dwarf Fescue (Dwerg Swenkgras) is a tufted grass suited to shady areas. Ideal for lawns,...