Please view the fescue pamphlet below:
- Tall Fescue is a deep rooted, robust perennial grass. It is excellent for grazing purposes especially in a mix with ryegrass, chicory and clover.
- It can tolerate water logging, salinity heat and drought good. Do not allow tall fescue to rank as palatability declines markedly. To get best results maintain at a height of 15-20cm.
- Agricol have a wide range of Tall Fescue cultivars from early to late heading dates:
- Verdant. Jenna, Duramax and Fuego
- Sowing rate: Sow in autumn and early spring at 25-32kg/ha with 4-6kg/ha clover and chicory.
- Production periods are autumn and spring. Makes good hay, silage and excellent forage. React better on N-fertiliser during Autumn and early Spring. Do not apply nitrogen in summer, only in autumn and early spring.
- Very drought tolerant,
- Right from the beginning of the season through spring, summer and autumn, Fuego produces continuously for an annual dry matter yield far above the potential of ryegrasses,
- Fuego is a late heading variety and finds use as well for grazing as for conservation as hay or silage.
- Being a “K-generation variety”, Triumphant has excellent resistance to leaf diseases. It provides a highly palatable feed,
- Triumphant is broadly adapted to the regions in the US where early production is important,
- It allows for getting livestock out to pasture and off costly stored winter feed earlier,
- Baleage producers will benefit from an early cut. It has quick fall recovery to produce a large amount of stockpiled forage for fall and winter grazing.