Weeping Lovegrass (Oulandsgras)


  • A perennial summer growing grass, produces good quality hay.
  • Cut before it gets too high and old.
  • Good spring and early summer grazing DM production varies between 6 and 14 tons/ha.
  • Easy to establish, does not foggage well.
  • Carrying capacity is between 1.5 to 4 MLU during the summer and moisture conditions.

Weeping Lovegrass (Oulandsgras)


Crop/Specie: Weeping Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula)

Cultivars: (*PBR # EXCL) Ermelo, # Agpal

Seeding: Drilled 2-4kg/ha, Broadcast 4-6kg/ha, High rainfall or Irrigation 5-8kg/ha

Rainfall (mm/year): 650+ or irrigation

Suited Regions: Cooler high rainfall areas

Planting Months: Oct - Feb

Soil: Adapted to all soils except water logged soils

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