- Forage cereal usually give good green bite in early winter and spring. Very palatable.
- They react well to irrigation or supplementary irrigation.
- Use rotational grazing with a rest period for re-growth.
- Cereals are suited to grazing, hay production and silage.
- Marketing/end product use: Human consumption, Animal feed/forage, Grain, Hay/fodder & Cover crop.
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Disease rating of oat varieties:
Oat | End use | Height | Maturity | Hectoliter weight | Stem Rust | Leaf Rust | CCN Res | Disease Tolerance | BYDV | Septoria | Bacterial blight |
Red Leather Leaf |
Milling Oats | ||||||||||||
Dunnart | M | TD | M | H | S | MR | R | MT | MR | MR
MS |
– | MS |
Overberg | M | D | E | H | S | MSS | VS | I | MSS | S | – | S |
Possum | M | D | EM | H | MSS | S | VS | I | S | MS | S | MSS |
Williams | M | MT | E | H | S | R | S | I | MRMS | MRMS | – | MS |
Wombat | M | D | EM | H | MSS | MS | R | T | MR | MS | – | MS |
Yallara | M | MT | EM | H | S | MS | R | I | MS | MS | – | MS |
End use: M = milling, F = feed grain, G = grazing, H = hay
Plant height: D = dwarf, TD = tall dwarf, T = tall, ST = short tall, MT = moderate tall
Maturity: E = early, EM = early mid, M = mid-season, ML = mid late season, LM = late mid-season, L = late, VL=very late
Hectoliter weight: H = heavy, M = medium, L = light
R = Resistant RMR = Resistant to moderately resistant MR = Moderately resistant MRMS = Moderately resistant to moderately susceptible MS = Moderately susceptible MSS = Moderately susceptible to susceptible S = Susceptible SVS = Susceptible to very susceptible VS = Very susceptible
Disease tolerance: T = tolerant, MT = moderately tolerant, MI = moderately intolerant, I = intolerant
Ratings conducted: P ZWER GRDC