Cocksfoot (Kropaargras)


  • Cocksfood is a very persistent perennial grass.
  • It grows relatively slow in the sowing year, but the second and subsequent years it is very vigorous.
  • Cocksfoot growth in summertime is important. It is winter hardy and drought tolerant. It is also very suitable for hard rotational grazing by sheep.
  • Cocksfoot perform best on soils with medium to high soil fertility.
  • Sowing rate: Sow in autumn or early spring at 15-20kg/ha with 2-3kg/ha clover.
  • Palatable pasture with good Autumn and Spring production. For quality, graze 20-25cms down to 8-10cm. Makes good hay and forage.

Cocksfoot (Kropaargras)


Crop/Specie: Cocksfoot

Cultivars: Aldebaran, Pizza

Seeding: Pure: 15-25kg/ha, Mix: 5-20kg/ha

Rainfall (mm/year): 750 + per year

Suited Regions: Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Eastern Free State, North West Province, Mpumalanga, KZN

Planting Months: Autumn (Mar - May) Spring (Sep - Oct)

Soil: Adapted to lighter soil types as well as heavier soils with a high moisture content

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