Prairie Grass (Reddingsgras)


  • Prairie grass (Bromus) has good drought tolerance. Prairie grass also have good winter production and heat tolerance.
  • Prairie grass will not tolerate water logging.
  • Sowing rate: 25-30kg/ha
  • This is a biannual grass but produces large amounts of seed which fall to the ground and germinate. Thus giving a perennial effect.
  • Does not like heavy grazing, needs time to recover.

Prairie Grass (Reddingsgras)


Crop/Specie: Prairie Grass

Cultivars: Matua

Seeding: 20-30kg/ha

Rainfall (mm/year): 750mm+ per year

Suited Regions: Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Eastern Free State, North West Province, Mpumalanga, KZN

Planting Months: Autumn (Mar - May)

Soil: Adapted to well drained soil, not clay soils.

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