Triticale (Korog)

Triticale (Korog)

Characteristics: Wintergreen feed which offers quality from May to Oct. It remains palatable until end Sep. Early plantings are ready for grazing within 40 days. Rotational graze for best results. The grain is of great value to ruminants and has a crude protein of...
Rye Stooling (Winter) (Stoelrog)

Rye Stooling (Winter) (Stoelrog)

Characteristics: These cultivars are referred to as WINTER types as they need a long cold spell to get them to go to seed. You can therefore plant them much earlier in the year than the SPRING types. These cultivars also have a more prostrate growth habit. Suitable...
Rye – Spring (Rog)

Rye – Spring (Rog)

Characteristics: These cultivars are referred to as SPRING types in that they need increase in day length and rising temperature to get them to go to seed. Normally have straight up growth habit. Early plantings are ready for grazing within 50 days. Rotational graze...
Oats (Hawer)

Oats (Hawer)

Characteristics: Forage cereal usually give good green bite in early winter and spring. Very palatable. They react well to irrigation or supplementary irrigation. Use rotational grazing with a rest period for re-growth. Cereals are suited to grazing, hay production...
Barley (Voergars)

Barley (Voergars)

Characteristics: Commonly known as 6 row barley Exclusive variety for grazing and silage Easily differentiated from other malting barley varieties because of its purple aleuron Crop for pasture during its vegetative growth stage Grain can be utilized as animal fodder...