Summer Forage Mixtures

Summer Forage Mixtures

Agricol’s summer forage mixtures Agricol’s summer forage mixtures offer easier seed handling, coated product, more efficient on windy days. All in one bag for time benefit. Mooirivier Mixture Components: Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) Smutsvinger grass...
Mooirivier Mixture (Mooirivier Mengsel)

Mooirivier Mixture (Mooirivier Mengsel)

Habitat: Areas with a yearly rainfall of 500mm or more. Components: Smutsfinger (Digitaria eriantha) Rhodes Grass (Chloris Gayana) Small Buffalo Grass (Panicum Coloratum) Advantages of this mixture: The mixture can be grazed from the first season, All three components...
Melilotus Alba – Sweet White Clover (Soetwitblomklawer)

Melilotus Alba – Sweet White Clover (Soetwitblomklawer)

Add Value with white sweet clover (Melilotus Alba)! Why Melilotus Alba? Melilotus Alba is a highly palatable summer legume that livestock simply cannot resist. Although an annual crop, it has the ability to resow itself for the next season. Characteristics With ample...
Crown Vetch (Kroonwieke)

Crown Vetch (Kroonwieke)

Characteristics: A hardy perennial legume for grazing or hay production. Frost resistant. Gives satisfactory results on poor soils. It is drought tolerant and does not cause bloat.
Lespedeza (Armmanslusern)

Lespedeza (Armmanslusern)

Characteristics: A warm season legume for grazing and hay production. No bloat. Will do on low- lying heavy soils, which are inclined to get waterlogged now and again. Cut for hay at 30- 45cm in height. Can get three cuttings per season yielding 2-4 tons per ha. Graze...
Bahia Grass (Paspalum)

Bahia Grass (Paspalum)

Characteristics: This is a perennial dry land grass that will do well in wet vlei areas and soils which are not all that fertile. It is cold sensitive, does not like sandy soils or dry, hot climates. Ergot on seed can cause abortion in cattle if ingested. Clovers can...
Perennial Sorghum (Meerjarige Voersorghum)

Perennial Sorghum (Meerjarige Voersorghum)

Characteristics: A drought tolerant perennial forage sorghum. Can be grazed with cattle from a height of 600mm. Can cause prusicacid poisoning if wilted, frosted slightly, or damaged from hail, when grazed, caution should be taken if you are in doubt. Makes good...
Blue Buffalograss (Bloubuffelgras)

Blue Buffalograss (Bloubuffelgras)

Characteristics: Drought tolerant grass used for grazing and hay production. For best quality graze grass at a height of 750mm. The carrying capacity is 1 cow and calf during the summer months and the DM production usually varies between 3 and 4 tons per...
Bottle Brush Grass (Borseltjiegras)

Bottle Brush Grass (Borseltjiegras)

Characteristics: A palatable grazing grass ensuring good intake, and makes good hay as well as forage. Very leafy. Carrying capacity of 1-2 MLU per ha, DM production 3m/tons pa.  
White buffalograss (Witbuffelgras)

White buffalograss (Witbuffelgras)

Characteristics: An indigenous perennial grass capable of high DM production up to 12 tons per ha given the moisture in areas where frost does not occur. It stays green throughout the year. (Frost Free Areas) Responds well to moisture and can be used in mixtures. Do...
Weeping Lovegrass (Oulandsgras)

Weeping Lovegrass (Oulandsgras)

Characteristics: A perennial summer growing grass, produces good quality hay. Cut before it gets too high and old. Good spring and early summer grazing DM production varies between 6 and 14 tons/ha. Easy to establish, does not foggage well. Carrying capacity is...


Characteristics: Palatable, fast establishing perennial summer grass. Does not like heavy grazing and is usually grown as a hay crop or mixed with other grass species such as Smutsfinger. Used to control eelworm in tobacco and pineapple rotation and erosion control....
Smutsfinger (Smutsvingergras)

Smutsfinger (Smutsvingergras)

Characteristics: A perennial summer growing grass which is palatable as grazing and makes good hay and silage. It is also good as foggage early in the winter season. Mixes well with other summer subtropical grasses such as Rhodesgrass. DM production can be between...
Saltbush (Oumansoutbos)

Saltbush (Oumansoutbos)

Characteristics: Saltbush is an important strategic drought resistant crop. Grows vegetatively during the summer with most available dry matter being available in late summer and autumn. It has a problem with palatability and animals must be forced to eat it. Do not...
Cowpeas (Akkerbone)

Cowpeas (Akkerbone)

General Information: Cowpeas have an indefinite growth habit. Early plantings thus yield more vegetative growth and later plantings more reproductive growth (more pods), Planting depth – not deeper than 5cm, Plant in Nov/Dec for hay production and Dec/Jan for...
Dolichos Bean (Dolichos Boon)

Dolichos Bean (Dolichos Boon)

Characteristics: An annual aggressive summer legume grown for grazing, hay and silage production. Very good green manure and rotation crop for soil improvement.
Sunhemp (Sonhennop)

Sunhemp (Sonhennop)

Characteristics: An annual summer legume grown mainly for green manuring but can also be grazed. It is frost sensitive and drought tolerant. Can be sown up to the end of January for green manure. Grows 1-2 meters in height. Not all that palatable for...


Teff is an annual grass used for grazing and hay. The first cuttings can be done 65-75 days after establishment. Teff should not grow too high as the height can influence its standing ability, cut teff prior to first flowering. Yields of 3-4t/ha are...
Jap Millet (Japenese Millet)

Jap Millet (Japenese Millet)

Jap Millet is a fast growing summer grass that can be planted and grown during cooler temperatures than common Pearl millet or forage sorghums, it also doesn’t become as stalky as Pearl millet.
Forage Sorghum (Voersorghum)

Forage Sorghum (Voersorghum)

View our latest Forage Sorghum pamphlet: ENGLISH HUNNIGREEN: (Sweet sorghum × Sweet sorghum) Photo periodic sensitive (PPS), Excellent silage yields, Excellent standing hay in the winter, and good grazing during summer, Highly palatable and has high sugar content,...
Pearl Millet (Babala)

Pearl Millet (Babala)

Characteristics: Suitable for grazing and cutting 8 weeks after planted. No Bloat.